15th week of museums and museum practices in Itapuranga - Goiás


  • Darlen Priscila Santana Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Goiás


Exhibition; University Extension; 15th Museums Week; UEG History Museum.


This study aimed to analyze the creative possibilities in doing university extension, having as object of analysis the actions developed during the 15th Week of Museums by the project called Museum of History of UEG - Itapuranga Campus. However, it is necessary to identify the creative methods that enabled the implementation of extensionist actions; Identify the needs and possibilities that the extension project of this competence needs to have to reach the internal and external community. For this, it was used as a method for data collection the bibliographic research, with relevant studies on university extension, cultural heritage and museological practice, in addition to the relationship of research, action and observation during the activities developed by the object of study. From the analysis it was possible to realize the importance of university extension and how it is necessary to be creative to execute it in order to enable access to individuals from the internal and external community of the University. To execute the extension project in a cordial and reciprocal way facilitates the approach, in the midst of the difficulties that the context experienced by universities today, it is still possible to do university extension. Finally, from the point of view of the study, it is favorable to say that the actors of the action have the role of importance with respect to facilitating the approach of the common society to the actions of the extension projects involving dissemination of culture, opposing the learning processes of education the creative processes integrated to non-formal education enables more interaction with society.


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How to Cite

SANTANA RODRIGUES, D. P. . UNIVERSITY EXTENSION: 15th week of museums and museum practices in Itapuranga - Goiás. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 11, p. 322–333, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.