Literacies in a historical perspective

from the empire of writing to the post-pandemic dreams




Literacy. Production of Meaning. Ethnographic-discursive Perspective. Language. Discourse.


The plural character of literacies, despite not being a novelty, has been increasingly recognized as contemporaneous. I query it from: a) the definition of literacies as social practices; b) the recovery of the opposition between autonomous and ideological literacies; and c) the inquiry about the empire of writing in the school and in the functioning of society as a whole. Then, I comment that the technological resources which were already available before the pandemic – and are unevenly used in society – came to be defined as the adequate tools to a new conception of school in “the post-pandemic times”. Finally, I intend to defend that literacies can be characterized by the delimitation of spaces for people and distances between them. I propose, thus, a criticism on the effect of literacies, claiming they can be forms of managing the space and the distances from the physical and social points of view.

Author Biography

Manoel Luiz Gonçalves Corrêa, Universidade de São Paulo

Na qualidade de professor sênior do DLCV-FFLCH-USP, atua nos PPGs. em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa da FFLCH-USP e em Estudos Linguísticos do IBILCE-UNESP, campus de São José do Rio Preto (SP). Livre-docente pela USP, atua nas áreas de Linguística Aplicada e de Oralidade e Letramento.


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How to Cite

Corrêa, M. L. G. (2022). Literacies in a historical perspective: from the empire of writing to the post-pandemic dreams . Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 1(1).