This paper intends to discuss black dramaturgy from South-American Pampa in the 21st century from the plays La diosa y la noche: el musical de Rosa Luna, written by the Afro-Uruguayan author Jorge Chagas, and Cavalo de Santo, by the Afro-gaucha playwright Viviane Juguero, which are perceived as powerful decolonial literary productions in the “Pampa scenic space”. This paper is going to present a brief relation between blackness and whiteness historically contextualized in this region of Latin America. Afterwards, the discussions on black theater through the Black Experimental Theater’s journey in Brazil and Independent Black Theatre in Uruguay in the last century as forerunners of black productions in these contexts are going to be presented. Next, the two cited plays are going to be analyzed through the collation based on a decolonial perspective and theoretical thinking from Literature, Theater, History and Sociology. Ultimately, the final considerations on this paper are going be debated.