The cartoon as a multiliteracy instrument in Portuguese Language teaching in Basic Education
Reading. Cartoon. Multiliteracies. Multimodality. Technology.Abstract
This work addresses the theme of reading and interpreting a non-verbal cartoon. Our aim is to analyze contributions provided by this reading practice developed through the application of the theoretical approach of multiliteracies in a 3nd year high school class at a public school, in the city of Pimenta Bueno (RO). The theoretical frameworks used are articulated by the studies of Bakhtin (2016) and Fiorin (2008), in relation to discursive genres; Petit (2009, 2013), Kalantzis, Cope and Pinheiro (2020), Rojo (2012, 2013, 2015) and Coscarelli (2002) on reading, multimodality and multiliteracies; Kress (2000) and Ribeiro (2017, 2021) regarding multimodal reading and digital technology in reading practices. This is an exploratory research carried out through action research, of a qualitative nature. The Results of this study indicate that the use of this genre in high school expands sociocultural knowledge, increases proficiency and promotes multiliteracies, in addition to empowering the student with autonomy, criticality and positioning as a social agent.
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