

Romance. Child sexual abuse. Revenge. Violence. Reunion., Romance. Abuso sexual infantil. Venganza. Violencia. Reunión.


The central objective of the analysis is about how the characters of the novel published in 2020 behave,  about the sexual abuse suffered by the character of the work three pigs. In what way there is the unfolding of the plots woven between the actions suffered by the protagonist. At the same time, were there, at any time, any concerns from those who took the action or any doubts about the rights of children and adolescents? Sexual abuse is more common than we think and finds perfect conditions for settlement in economically disadvantaged families. How to react to such conditions, if the speech itself is banned by those who commit such abuses, even threatening the victims? The writer Marcelo Labes touches the wound that, especially we men, insist on getting rid of, as if the danger was always in the other. But we know that many people who are silenced suffer from possible disorders and suffering. We will not enter into in-depth studies from a broader psychological and / or anthropological point of view. For now, the objective is to look at the novel and draw some conclusions from it for the purpose of analysis, based on some authors, such as: Lígia Chiappini; Renata Pimentel Teixeira; Gaston Bachelard; Antonio Candido; among others.

Keywords: Romance. Child sexual abuse. Revenge. Violence. Reunion.


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How to Cite

DO CARMO, J. C. M. O ABUSO SEXUAL DE MENINOS COM A OBRA TRÊS PORCOS, DE MARCELO LABES. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 8, p. 120–140, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/COMMUNITAS/article/view/4396. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.