Do not cease to disappear: the drifts of Bas Jan Ader and Donald Crowhurst




Bas Jan Ader, Donald Crowhurst, sea, disappearance


The purpose of the essay is to reflect on the maritime space from two incompatible stories that cross themselves because of their coincident outcome: the mysterious disappearance into the ocean. These are the cases of the Dutch artist Bas Jan Ader, who disappears into the immensity in 1975 during the second part of his performance In search of the miraculous, and of the english electrical engineer Donald Crowhurst, who is never seen again after participating of the Golden Globe Race, in 1968. The idea is to insist on the smooth, not striated, character of the sea, as postulated by Deleuze and Guatarri. In Foucault's line, the objective is to establish the sailboats of the two characters who feature this text as, by excellence, the place of heterotopia. Through a brief biographical research and literary and philosophical contributions on the sea, the proposal is to think Ader and Crowhusrt against Ulysses.


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How to Cite

SCOZ, F. Do not cease to disappear: the drifts of Bas Jan Ader and Donald Crowhurst: AS DERIVAS DE BAS JAN ADER E DONALD CROWHURST. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 6, p. 119–138, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.