From the social invisibility of deafness to its enclosure heterogeneity in the writing of ENEM
Essay. ENEM. Shown Heterogeneity. Constitutive HeterogeneityAbstract
This article aims to analyze model essays of the do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), referring to the year 2017, whose theme “Challenges for the education of deaf people in Brazil” translates a singular relevance for society. Based on French Discourse Analysis and on studies of discursive genres, this work observes the records of shown and constitutive heterogeneity of language in 4 (four) excerpts from essays that received maximum marks in due examination and that reveal how heterogeneity formulates a way of materializing the other in the text. In this process of textual construction and insofar as interdiscursivity constitutes the saying and its meaning effects, the relationship that the discourse establishes with its other is inscribed. Thus, the theme alluding to deafness and its historically silenced vulnerabilities gains prominence in enunciative conditions of production regulated by otherness.
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