Accessibility for people with visual impairment in brazilian virtual museums
an assessment
Virtual museum. Accessibility. Digital. Visual Impairment.Abstract
Based on the difficulties encountered in physical museum exhibition environments by people with visual impairments, such as spatial mobility and the difficulty in perceiving the works on display, the digital space becomes a real possibility of accessing the various exhibitions held by museums. In the process of studying the ability of museums to have adequate accessibility to meet the needs of people with visual impairments in digital environments, it was mandatory to understand at what stage in this process Brazilian museums are. This study aims to provide quantitative and qualitative data that allows the assessment of this state of accessibility of national digital museum sites, which will make it possible to understand in a more assertive way the paths that can be adopted to better adapt to the current Brazilian legislation on accessibility in digital environments, making people with visual impairments participate in the museum exhibition, if not with exactly the same experience as a sighted person, but with similarities in sensations and perceptions of the works on display.References
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