Fiction and lesbian experience in three short stories of Amora, by Natália Borges Polesso
KEY WORDS: Natália Borges Polesso. Amora. Representativeness. Lesbian woman.Abstract
The existence of lesbian authors and fiction was, for a long time, marked in the Brazilian literary field by the lack of space and representativeness. As a consequence of prejudice and social stigma, the result was the silencing of these voices. This article analyzes the lesbian experience in three short stories of Amora (2015), by the Rio Grande do Sul writer Natalia Borges Polesso (1981). They are: “Primeiras vezes”; “Flor, flores, ferro retorcido” and “Marília acorda”. The work aimed to reflect about the representation of lesbian characters existing in the referred narratives, having as guide, in the general interpretation, theoretical concepts of Louro (2008; 2014); Arnés, (2018) and Polesso, (2018; 2020). With the analysis, fear, doubts, affection and desire for the sexual object were highlighted in the constitutions of each subject addressed.
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