Dialogism between verbal and visual statements in A boca da noite, by Cristino Wapichana
relations and functions
Dialogism. Functions. Image. Relations. Text.Abstract
The dialogue between the verbal and visual statements in the illustrated book establishes, through its constitutive elements, intense dialogical relationships that act in the production of meanings and apprehension of the narrative. Based on this configuration, the objective of this article is to analyze the relations of redundancy, collaboration and disjunction resulting from the interaction between text and image in the work A boca da noite, written by Cristino Wapichana and illustrated by Graça Lima. From this perspective, the problematizing question turns to identifying how the dialogue between words, colors and illustrations generate different relationships and functions between text and image in the work. The concepts that guide Bakhtin's (2006) conception of dialogism, also addressed by Barros (2003), Brait (2003) and Fiorin (2006), associated with studies by Linden (2018) on the relationships and functions of text and image constitute the foundation used in the analysis. The dialogical relationships that are established between verbal and visual statements in the work are relationships of meaning that generate other relationships and responsive functions of one statement in the face of another.
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