Narratives of self
an interpretation of the various identities of count Olaf in a series of Unfortunate events
Narrative Identity. Intrigue. Liquid Identity.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to understand how the creations of identities developed by the character Count Olaf occur, in the Series of Unfortunate Events. We took as corpus the adaptation in TV show format, on Netflix. The choice of this work was made because it has a character that during the three seasons of the series develops several identities, adopting different perspectives through specific acts. In the theoretical axis, we use concepts from Paul Ricoeur (1991), who delineated the struggles of Narrative Identity; by Zygmunt Bauman (2001), of Liquid Identity; and those of Suzi Frankl Sperber (2009), of Pulsion for Fiction. We seek to understand how Olaf's fluid identities can be nuanced beyond simple disguise, for these are not just about the employment of garments and accessories, but of a new essence, of a becoming marked by the intrigue of the narrative.
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