Latin literature
hermeneutic comparisons of the principle of obedience in characters from biblical exegesis
Literary studies. Troy. Empire. Bible.Abstract
This article outlines a comparative analysis of the principle of obedience of the character Aeneas - of Aeneid - to his gods with some biblical characters who perform the same act in relation to the God of Israel. Among these biblical characters, Abraham, Job and Jesus are specified. Characters from biblical exegesis that demonstrate singularities with the Trojan that leaves his city destroyed by the war between Troy and Greece. The comparative presupposition between the Trojan hero and some biblical characters assumes that, even when lamenting, they accept their fate premeditated by the gods. We understand that the Aeneid, a classic epic, directs us to relevant reflections on the study of Latin literature. We trust that apprehending how nations were formed through wars and conquests becomes something accentuated to think about our current identities, precepts and values, supported by bibliographical research guided by Severino (2008). The study is theoretically based on Grizoste (2011; 2013) and Walter de Medeiros (2010). We learn that the Aeneid deals not only with the foundation of Rome, but with the tragedies faced when predestination is believed, indicating the relevance of Latin literature to understand the development of nations.
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