Ideology, implosion of stereotypes and female aspirations
a reading of “3 poemas com auxílio do google”, by Angélica Freitas
Ideology. Angélica Freitas. Um útero é do tamanho de um punho. Brazilian literature. Poetry.Abstract
Thinking about the social, creating good literature, problematizing technologies and old prejudices; all these things seem to be individually difficult to achieve. However, Angélica Freitas achieves this feat in section 5, entitles “3 Poemas com Auxílio do Google”, from her short book Um útero é do tamanho de um punho. This article aims to study how the relationship between the structure of the poems and the choice of the “googling” method aim at an ideological critique, not seeking a truth to be unveiled, but rather, problematizing ideology through the same form in which it presents itself. In this context, ideology would seek to obscure itself in socially regimented stigmas. Thus, by using Google as a tool to scrutinize the social, Angélica Freitas reinterprets the ideologically marked discourse that, socially accepted, reinforces prejudice and misogyny in contemporary society. The following theorists will be used as support for the analysis: Baudrillard (2004), Bosi (1977), Hayashi (2015), Zizek (1996) among others.
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