Borges translated: Translation strategy in the tale "El Immortal" in "El Aleph"




Literary Translation, Jorge Luis Borges, El Inmortal, Flávio José Cardoso, Literal Traslation


This work aims to critique the translation of the tale "El Immortal", present in the book "El Aleph", written by the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, done by the writer Flávio José Cardoso. We are based on an interview of the translator himself to researchers of the Federal University of Santa Catarina to guide criticism based on what he describes as being "challenging" to translate Borges, preferring to maintain a theoretical line of translation listed in the literal theory of translation and / or word-for-word, whose main advocates are Aubert (1987) and Newmark (1988). Through this research we realize that translating such a renowned writer becomes even more challenging, leading the translator to opt for a translation strategy that is closest to the original text, for fear of committing the much discussed "infidelity" in the translation.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, C. L. Borges translated: Translation strategy in the tale &quot;El Immortal&quot; in &quot;El Aleph&quot;: ESTRATÉGIA TRADUTÓRIA NO CONTO “EL INMORTAL” EM “EL ALEPH”. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 6, p. 288–300, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.