Travelling languages

toward a geolinguistic imagination


  • Mary Louise Pratt New York University, New York, Estados Unidos



Globalization. Migration. Geolinguistics. Language. Linguistic competence.


In a close dialogue with questions related to the understanding of linguistic dimensions which are featured around the planetary, social, ecological, economic, political, and imaginary realignments driven by contemporary globalization, this article is focused on the role and importance of language in terms of defining and even determining the processes and transformations wrought by this globalization. It especially takes into account the need to put the language in the center of this debate, as an important category of analysis for thinking about the dynamics of the ongoing transformations.

Author Biography

Mary Louise Pratt, New York University, New York, Estados Unidos

Crítica literária, linguista e professora de língua espanhola e língua portuguesa da Universidade de Nova Iorque. 


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How to Cite

Pratt, M. L. (2024). Travelling languages: toward a geolinguistic imagination. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 12(2).