The marginalization of the empowered black female figure as a witch in I, Tituba
black witch of Salem (1986) by Maryse Condé
Black feminism. Witch. Black female protagonist. I, Tituba: black witch of SalemAbstract
It is analyzed the novel I, Tituba: black witch of Salem, (1986), of Maryse Condé, aiming the analysis of the happenings in Salem, in a way of symbolizing the voice of the “witches” and black women silenced by the official history. As theory, it is used the black feminism which discusses women marginalized by racial and class issues, based on Davis (2016; 2018) and Hooks (2018; 2019), and also the debate on the creation of the witch stereotype imposed to empowered women, based on authors as Federici (2017) and Russel and Alexander (2019). The research reveals that Condé’s fiction revisits history and highlights the exclusion of black women from the official historiography, as Salem’s history suggests. When figuring Tituba as the protagonist of Salem’s trials, the writer puts her in a position that has always been denied by the patriarchy and the white supremacy movements.
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