The construction of symbolic space in D. Aquino Corrêa, Silva Freire and Gabriel de Mattos
Regionalism. Imaginary. Symbolic constructions. Foundational myths.Abstract
This article aims to reflect about the foundational myths of space of Mato Grosso, in the work of D. Aquino Corrêa, Silva Freire and Gabriel de Mattos through Gilbert Durand’s theory of Imaginary (2002), through studies about imagination of Bachelard (2008) and through analyze about archetypes of Jung (2012). Since the beginning of the 20th century, in Mato Grosso, it is observed a preoccupation with local culture, so that a group of important elements, such as: nature, city, cuisine, language, etc., are constituted in the literary work. Such elements establish the regional space and they are constitutive in each literary work. So, in D. Aquino, the space evidences the archetype of paradise; in Silva Freire, the city become the image of Great Mother; finally, in Gabriel de Mattos' prose, the character recognizes the cycle of life, whose symbolic of transformation characterizes his physical or psychological development, in the contemporary city in process of “modernization”.
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