Walter Benjamin and photography by Franz Kafka
aesthetic-biographic confluences
Benjamin; Photography; Kafka; Memory; Critical discourse.Abstract
The essay The Little History of Photography by Walter Benjamin inscribes the unique account of photography by Franz Kafka as a child. Therefore, the objective of this article is to capture important mobilizations of other discourses circulating behind the opacity of the interdiscourse of this image, which reveal striking features of the ideology of the time; above all, through the reconstruction of memory through forgetting. The hypothesis is proposed that Kafka's photography evidences the theoretical framework of Benjamin's thought and its identity convergence with the author of Prague – the exemplary failure – who was chosen by Benjamin as the new modern narrator. As a method, we adopt the Discourse Analysis (AD) of the French Matrix, from Michel Pêcheux and the notes of Eni P. Orlandi in dialogue with Roland Barthes and his concepts of Studium and Punctum in his book The camera lucida, as well as Benjamin's own critical analysis of photography.
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