Brief news of an editorial process based on the field notebooks of indigenous agroforestry agents in Acre




Desing graphic project. Interculturality. Indegenous Literature.


 Some reflections arising from the editorial process of a magazine of the Association of the Agents' Agroforestry Movement in Acre  (AMAAIAC), commemorating the twenty years of the technical training course by the Pró-Índio do Acre Commission. The plastic elaboration of the magazine's different textualities brought a learning experience in the field of editing and indigenous literature in its difference, especially in the material referring to work diaries, or field notebooks of agroforestry agents in training. The contact with indigenous literature, as a way to other territories, different scenarios in a heterogeneous world, provides the way of access to different aesthetics and artistic expressions.


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How to Cite

Almeida, M. I. de ., & Bylaardt, M. P. (2021). Brief news of an editorial process based on the field notebooks of indigenous agroforestry agents in Acre. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 9(1).