COVID-19, Migration, Acre BorderAbstract
The migration process integrates different peoples and nations, promoting social, cultural and economic development between different countries. It is known that in the last four years, migratory flows have had severe damage caused by the health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic installed in the world. Considering this scenario, we sought to analyze the characteristics of the migrant population that crossed the Amazon/Acre border from 2019 to 2021, their hospitalizations and deaths resulting from COVID - 19. Aiming to list the difficulties faced by these individuals during the coronavirus pandemic, in addition to stratification according to registration date, federation unit, country of nationality, age group, gender, marital status, education, hospitalizations and deaths that occurred in the pandemic period from 2019 to 2021. The methodological procedures were bibliographical surveys and data extracted from secondary sources from the COVID-19 observatory of the Secretary of State for Health of Acre (SESACRE) and the Immigration Portal of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (SISMIGRA). The analyzes were statistical, retrospective and descriptive using the Excel program (Office 2020 package). The study site was the Acrean border, with emphasis on the cities of Brasiléia and Assis Brasil, with the period from 2019 to 2021 as a time frame. from Brasiléia (AC) and Assis Brasil (AC). The results showed that in the pandemic period from 2019 to 2021, there were significant losses in terms of migratory mobility across the Acre border, with several impacts on the health of this immigrant population.
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