Evaluation; Project; Expedition.Abstract
The development of projects by logic requires that a monitoring and evaluation process be carried out. Thus, this chapter discusses the development of the second geographic expedition at the Federal University of Acre focused on the project's self-assessment process, and its impacts on the students involved in the activity. For this, an online survey was developed with the help of Google Forms®, and applied to students. The survey was structured in sections aiming to collect information about the students' profile, financial costs, contribution to theoretical and practical training in areas of geography, and planning and execution of actions. The quantitative synthesis of the responses was processed using the Bioestat®, Ecxel® and IRaMuTeQ® software. Finally, the results indicate that the participants have an average age and monthly family income, respectively, of 28 years and R $ 1552.38. For most of the students, the expedition had a relevant contribution to theoretical and practical training in the areas of physical, human geography and space representation. Regarding planning and execution, the same positive behavior is observed in the evaluation. Finally, it is concluded that the geographic expedition has become a positive reference for the enhancement and expansion of the quality of Ufac's geography courses.
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