
  • Teresa Di Somma Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Marcello Messina Universidade Federal do Acre




Australia, Italy, Diaspora, Travel, Calabria


In this work, we focus on the travel memoir Mezza Italiana (2011), written by Italian-Australian author Zoë Boccabella. Partly of Abruzzese and partly of Calabrian origins, she spends most of her trips to Italyin Abruzzo, only to stay very shortly in the Calabrian town of Palmi. Boccabella’s narration of Calabria offers contestable representations of the region, as she conceals a sense of uneasiness at her own white privilege over Calabrians by means of a superficial and paternalistic outlook. Furthermore, taking Boccabella’s journey as a starting point, we observe how Abruzzese identity is troubled by a desire to disavow its historical, cultural and linguistic affinities with the South of Italy, and by an urge to be considered part of the Centre. By recognising herself as mainly Abruzzese and minimising her Calabrian roots, we contend, Boccabella aims to “acquire full citizenship” not only within the Italian nation, but also within Australia.


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How to Cite

Di Somma, T., & Messina, M. (2017). ZOË BOCCABELLA’S CALABRIAN CHAPTER IN MEZZA ITALIANA AS A SYMBOLIC ELIMINATION OF SOUTHERNESS FROM HER OWN DIASPORIC SELF. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.29327/216344.5.2-7




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