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PERGUNTAMOS:: do que as crianças mais gostam na escola?

October 20, 2024


The text analyzes children's perceptions of their routines in early childhood education schools, highlighting their preferences and discontent through interviews and drawings. The author, an internship professor at the Federal University of Pelotas, emphasizes the importance of the internship in the formation of student teachers as an opportunity to reflect on their future teaching practice. The text critiques the dichotomy between theory and practice, advocating for an approach that integrates observation and listening to children as fundamental for educators' continuous learning. It also addresses the differences between contemporary and past childhoods, emphasizing the challenges posed by technology and the lack of contact with nature. Based on the responses and discussions, the student teachers noted the significance of free play and social interaction, highlighting practices that often do not support child development. Finally, the text concludes that actively listening to children should be prioritized to create a more respectful and meaningful learning environment.


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