gêneros e sexualidades em disputa



Plano Municipal de Educação; Gêneros; Sexualidades; Laicidade.


The process of drafting and approving the Municipal Education Plan of São Gonçalo 2015-2024 (PMESG 2015-2024) took place in a context of pressure from conservative groups in favor of removing the terms “gender” and “sexual orientation” from public education policies , both nationally and locally, but not without resistance and struggle. This paper aims to discuss the attempt to ban the themes of gender and sexuality in the curricula of schools in the municipality  of São Gonçalo and the possible risks of this strategy of silencing to the secularism of the municipality, but also to present the limits of its success. Therefore, the text is divided into three moments. First, the stages in the process of preparing the municipal plan and the proposal produced by the 5th Municipal Conference on Education of São Gonçalo are contextualized. Second, an analysis is made of the public hearing for approval of the PMESG 2015-2024 - which took place in an extraordinary session on July 29, 2015 in the City Council - calling into question speeches given during the event, the political trajectory of the councilors of these authorities speeches and pressure from LGBTQIS+ resistance social groups in the city. Third, silencing power of the suppressive amendments is challenged by means of evidence and signs present in the final text of the law and the importance of discussing genders and sexualities in schools from a perspective that enhances the guarantee of rights for women and the LGBTQIS + population is argued.

Keywords: Municipal Education Plan; Genders; Sexualities; Secularism.



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How to Cite

DA SILVA, M. M.; SEPULVEDA, J. A. . EDUCAÇÃO E RESISTÊNCIA LGBTQIS+ EM SÃO GONÇALO: gêneros e sexualidades em disputa. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 9, p. 79–94, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.