Narrativas. Educação-formação continuada. Performatividade.Abstract
The article was constructed from a cut of the narratives explained in a research developed in the period 2017-2018 with teachers from the municipal education network in the municipality of Rio Branco - Acre. It is the result of a qualitative research approach, in which the sources of information were teachers brought together in a focus group, to narrate their perceptions about their continuing education/training processes. Nine teachers participated in the group, aged between 25 and 41 years old and variable time of effective exercise in the teaching profession. The objective that guided the research was to analyze teachers' narratives about aspects of continuing education/training that had the opportunity to participate, showing the logic/s of organization and understanding that permeated the education /training processes of the cut decade. The theoretical basis that guided the study was Benjamin (1985); Hall (1997); Bragança (2012); Ball (2002; 2005). We argue, based on the teachers' narratives, that in the pathways of continuing education /training there are predominant logics that narrow the understanding of what it means to be a teacher, guided by the perspective of performativity and management of the results of the work of the teacher and the school.
KEYWORDS: Narratives. Continuing education-training. Performativity.
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