Historia y cultura afrobrasileña y africana; Enseñanza primaria; Ley Nº 10.639/2003; Multicultural; Racismo estructuralAbstract
In this research, we sought to highlight the importance of teaching ethnic-racial relations, the objective of the research is also to dialogue with the reader, a dialogue that will contribute in a reflexive way, about the relationship of the human being with the fight against structural racism that is present within Brazilian society. In addition, it was objective to analyze the application of Law 10.639/2003, focusing on the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture in the school curriculum in Basic Education, in the area of Human Sciences, which have a greater curricular role regarding the teaching of "Africanities", contribute to the relations between people and their various social groups, which forms a multicultural society, the interrelation of several cultures in the same environment. During the research carried out by this researcher, readings were carried out in scientific articles, as a basis for the development of the research, bibliographic references that contributed in an efficient and productive way, to better understand the history, struggles, and racial stigmas reproduced by a denialist society, which denies structural, patriarchal racism. The lack of teacher training and didactic material to work in the discipline of "Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture" are items pointed out as responsible for the non-application of the law by school managers. Based on this methodology, we sought to diagnose the lack of public policies, efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness of law 10.639/20003 in schools, and its potential to contribute to the fight against racism that is rooted in Brazilian society.References
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