Production of Space; Border; Regional integration; Amazon.Abstract
This article discusses the formation of space on the Amazon tri-border - Madre Dios, Acre and Pando - MAP. For this, some concepts and characteristics pertinent to the frontier category were approached and, above all, relevant aspects despite the triple frontier and twin cities, and more specifically how the space corresponding to the Amazonian tri-frontier -Madre Dios, Acre and Pando was produced and reproduced – MAP from a spatial and geographic perspective. The main methodological procedures of this study consisted of bibliographic reviews of the literature, proposing to analyze and understand the spatial dynamics behind the frontier category and, above all, the triple Amazonian South-West border (Madre de Dios, Acre and Pando -MAP), its formation territory and location from a geographic context and finally, to demonstrate the multiple relationships that exist in this border strip of the South Western Amazon. The results indicate that the production of space in the border territory corresponding to the cities of Madre Dios, Acre and Pando - MAP is in constant metamorphosis, resulting in a space with multiple relationships that are formed between the local population and passers-by/travellers, triggering a new integration between different peoples and nations, thus forming a mobile, dynamic and multi-articulated space.
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