

literatura contemporânea, literatura brasileira, crítica literária


This article is an analyzis of the book Diary of the Fall (2011), from the brazilian southern writer Michel Laub, which focus is what the narrator determines as “the unfeasibility of the human experience in all times and places”. For that, we will use the definition of experience defended by Walter Benjamin (1987), problematizing the narrator’s positioning within the person now receiving the narrative: the tramission of experiences between generations. In a second moment, we will use the studies of Stuart Hall (1992) to analyze the fragmented individual that the narrator reveals to be in his particular identity crisis. Finally, we will discuss the work in testemonial character still dealling with the definition of experience as unfeasible, observing the fragments of memory present in the narrator’s speech anchored in the studies of Selligmann-Silva (2008/2010) and Michael Pollak (1989) among others authors with the intention of understanding the unspeakable character of traumatic memories, making the monologue between narrator and the person now receiving the narrative clearer.


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How to Cite

VICENTE CARNEIRO, A. P. A INVIABILIDADE DA EXPERIÊNCIA HUMANA EM DIÁRIO DA QUEDA. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 8, p. 80–92, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/COMMUNITAS/article/view/4377. Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.