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Vol. 4 No. 7 (2020): BLACK MIRROR E EDUCAÇÃO


January 23, 2020


Programs aimed at increasing the use of digital technologies in schools seem to consider aspects of training less important than the provision of equipment. The elements related to the machines are usually prioritized, to the detriment of the elements related to people, as if the technologies, by themselves, were able to work autonomously and to promote changes. In this sense, the narratives about the perceptions of teachers in relation to the use of technologies in the classroom can be more effective than public policies created in offices, far from the context of their pedagogical practices, which reach schools without the consent and participation of teachers in the construction / elaboration of these policies. Thus, we believe that teachers need to build narratives about their use of digital technologies in the classroom, in a critical and reflective way. Thus, this article aims to show that the social appropriation of technologies, by teachers, and the expansion of digital culture work to empower them for the political and citizen commitment, individual and collective, to fight for fundamental issues of society. In this vein, the Black Mirror series favors countless reflections on the use of digital technologies, which have reconfigured people's relations with things, with processes and with other people. These elements of the series can contribute to the construction of teachers' digital narratives and their consolidation process of digital culture.


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