Amazonian literature in the classroom

a discussion about the story “Corpo frágil”, by Cláudio Barboza


  • Maira Iana Hoerlle Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Amazonas


Literature, Teaching, Society


This article aims to present the result of a work carried out in the classroom with 9th grade students from a state school in the interior of Amazonas. The activity took place in the Portuguese Language classes with reading, analysis, debate and written record of the considerations on the tale belonging to Amazonian literature “Corpo frágil”, by Cláudio Barboza. During the execution of the work, the students surveyed the attitudes that they considered illegal (condemned by law and morality) that occurred in the story and that affected the main character, and then formulated hypotheses about the reasons and the culprits of these misfortunes. With the development of this activity, students qualified to participate in debates of ideas, recognizing the importance of human rights, affirmative policies and laws, as well as developing reading, listening and textual production, as proclaimed by the BNCC.


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How to Cite

Hoerlle, M. I. (2024). Amazonian literature in the classroom: a discussion about the story “Corpo frágil”, by Cláudio Barboza. Anthesis, 10(20), 49–61. Retrieved from


