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Vol. 5 No. 9 (2021): POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS E IGUALDADE DE GÊNERO: estratégias de resistência e existência

PRINCESS SCHOOL : conservadorismo e naturalização do feminino

January 31, 2021


The universe of social etiquette, beauty, fashion and so-called feminine behavior has been explored in contemporary Western societies mainly by different types of media. Research based on women's magazines, magazine covers and advertisements demonstrate how these discursive practices institute models and social norms that naturalize the feminine through the heterosexual matrix. There have been at least four decades of feminist denunciations of these feminine stereotypes as forms of symbolic violence, advances and achievements made by feminist movements and academic gender studies. It is remarkable how since the second half of the last century there has been a greater visibility of women in the writing of history, in the making of science, in leadership positions in the various jobs, occupying university chairs as students and masters or, guaranteed the rights . The success of the Princess School in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, is undoubtedly a milestone in conservative movements that reproduce discursive practices that naturalize the feminine and the destiny of women for heterosexual marriage, motherhood and home care. Analyzing the institutional practices related to this school through its website, social networks and videos on youtube allows us to glimpse the means by which this standardization and naturalization of the feminine still persists today.


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