

August Strindberg, O sonho, expressionismo


The article present a thought center about the world, among the centuries XIX-XX, in theatrical perspective, in the opposition movement against the traditional standard of theatre, to reveal subjective representation. Thus this work present the objective of analyse A dream play by Strindberg, seeing expresionist aspects: reality deformation like aristotelic mimesis, critic vision about the institution of bourgeois marriage, and the intermediate role of the personage and, figuratively, the artist between the men’s world and the gods’s world. This elements reveals the renovation spirit of the arts among the belle époque, incorporating and expanding the avant-garde age.


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How to Cite

JONATAN DE SOUZA SANTOS. EXPRESSIONIST ASPECTS IN A DREAM PLAY BY STRINDBERG. Communitas, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 6, p. 206–219, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.