This is an outdated version published on 2025-01-12. Read the most recent version.





Systemic Approach; Geomorphology; SRTM


The characterization of the urban site is intrinsically linked to the specific purpose that is to be analyzed. In this case, the geoenvironmental context is the subject of few studies. The article addresses the problem of the geoenvironmental characteristics present in the urban site of the city of Pauini, with the following objectives: general, carrying out an analysis of the geoenvironmental context of the urban site of that city; and specific, describe the geomorphology and topographic difference of the urban area locally called "upper city" and "lower city"; characterize the relief units, the geoenvironmental elements and their manifestations using the remote sensing technique and data from the Topographic Mission with Onboard Radar (SRTM); and to present digital elevation models of the urban site by means of three-dimensional (3D) representations using morphometric data. The work contributes as a bias to analyze the different characteristics of the city in the environmental and social spheres, aiming to contribute to adequate urban planning by the local public power. Developed from methodological procedures, reading and literature review on the subject, the integrated analysis method based on the systemic approach to urban sites, as proposed by (AB'SABER, 1956), was adopted. According to the author, the expression attributed to urban site is taken in its simplest geographical sense, as a small relief frame that effectively houses an urban organism. The aforementioned geoenvironmental context emerges from natural elements and phenomena, as well as from human actions. Finally, the results were obtained from the outlined objectives, leading to the elaboration of cartographic products that facilitate the interpretation and geoenvironmental characterization of the urban site.


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2025-01-12 — Updated on 2025-01-12


How to Cite

Silva, S. da ., & Rabelo, F. D. B. (2025). CARACTERIZAÇÃO DO CONTEXTO GEOAMBIENTAL DO SÍTIO URBANO DA CIDADE DE PAUINI - AMAZONAS . UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 6(1).