Production area. Urbanization. Appreciation. Urban space. Socio-spatial segregation.Abstract
This paper aims to bring a brief reflection on the production of urban space, addressing the economic valuation of land, how the agents of area producers act through real estate speculation and how they use the natural environment for commodification of spaces and, as a consequence of this valuation, the socio-spatial segregation. For this discussion, it was adopted as methodology the literature review, in magazines journals, articles by renowned authors of the theme, discussions through the discipline of Theory on the Area of Production, offered by the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Acre - UFAC. In conclusion, it is observed that the production and reproduction of urban space through the producing agents brings with it several pertinent issues, such as land valuation, real estate speculation, the use in nature as a product of urban valuation and, finally, the socio-spatial segregation of the population with lower purchasing power.
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