Public Policies; Agroecology; Collaboration network.Abstract
Currently, consumer interest in food safety and quality has been growing because they are aware of the origin of food, transparency and traceability in production processes. Family farming is a great indicator of quality food and free from risks harmful to human health. The coexistence of agri-food systems becomes an essential tool with great growth potential to be studied, as a source of development and strengthening of family agriculture, using as a source the promoters, actions and projects once developed by the public sector, the private sector and the third sector. The research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. To this end, the research was divided into five crucial stages, namely: Survey of institutions (Embrapa, CPT, SOS Amazônia, Semapa and Banco da Amazônia), on-site visits to institutions, identification of the work network, characterization of limitations and pointing strategies. It was evidenced – it was evidenced that the promoters that enhance agri-food systems, from projects and actions in order to strengthen family agriculture in the municipality, work in different areas, but with the same interest, that is, the strengthening of production chains. The public institutions, private and third sector found, have projects that intersect in relation to direct interests and objectives, however, given the diagnosis made, these institutions do not have a consolidated partnership relationship, thus hindering the means of strengthening family agriculture and agri-food systems in the region.
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