
  • Lara Palombo Macquarie University (Sidney/Austrália)



Palabras clave:

Anarchism, Southern Italy, Australia, Discontent, Diaspora.


 This study proposes the re-orienting of the radical transnational politics exchanged in the first anti-fascist and anarchist newspaper Il Risveglio, produced in 1927 in Australia. It combines a critical analysis of its transnational and translocal political imaginaries with an examination of the linkages of its “trans” of gender, race, class and imperial relations to unsettle its responses to the historical, Italian based southern discontent. It argues that its focus on the social question and the predominance of northern-based responses to women’s equality and the racialisation of migrants effaces and negates the lives of diaspora from the southern regions. This negation also intersects with its support for the formation of a white working class and negation of Indigenous sovereign ontologies and epistemologies in the settler colony of Australia. This paper demonstrates that the effacement of the southern discontent is re-configured across varied and relational systems of radical diasporic knowledge.


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Cómo citar

Palombo, L. (2017). “LONG LIVE ANARCHISM” AND ITS SOUTHERN DISCONTENT: SOUTH-VERTING THE “TRANS-” OF RADICAL TRANSNATIONAL KNOWLEDGE IN IL RISVEGLIO. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.29327/216344.5.2-4

