Ethno-historiography of translation

the case of black populations in Brazil


  • Dennys Silva-Reis Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac)
  • Kathryn Batchelor
  • Cibele de Guadalupe Sousa Araújo



Historiographical studies of translation are a rapidly growing research area, but there are still many histories that need to be told and many sources yet to be found – in particular, those pertaining to specific groups such as black populations. This paper will discuss a new domain in the historiography of translation: ethno-historiography. It will outline key theoretical concepts and illustrate historiographical biases in Brazil, focusing in particular on oral and written translations for the black populations. The aim is to revisit the history of translation in Brazil using an intersectional, feminist and anti-racist approach, presenting sources, facts, people and events that are of importance to the national Black population.


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Biografia do Autor

Dennys Silva-Reis, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac)

Is a professor at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC), a translator, and a researcher in the fields of Translation Studies, Interart Studies and Francophone Studies. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Translation and a degree in French Language and Literature (UnB). He holds a master's degree in Translation Studies (POSTRAD/UnB) and a doctorate in Literature and Social Practices (POSLIT/UnB). He has been writing on the blog Historiografia da Tradução no Brasil (Historiography of Translation in Brazil) since 2015




Como Citar

Silva-Reis, D., Batchelor, K. . ., & Sousa Araújo, C. de G. . (2022). Ethno-historiography of translation: the case of black populations in Brazil. Das Amazônias, 5(02), 174–185.