


Territory dispute; Latex exploration; Creation of Acre.


This article describes the historical period of annexation of Acre to Brazilian territory, addressing events ranging from the agreements signed between Portugal and Spain, to a series of conflicts arising from economic interests, which culminated in the armed movement known as the "Acre Revolution" and, signing of the Treaty of Petrópolis, in 1903, when the region came to definitively belong to Brazil. Acre was declared Federal Territory in 1904 and only in 1962 did it become a Federation Unit. Thus, the objective was to discuss the importance of the Acre Revolution for the formation of the Acre territory. For this purpose, a qualitative bibliographic and documentary research was carried out, as it is suitable for exploratory studies and the use of elaborated material, consisting mainly of books and scientific articles. In terms of occupation, it is possible to infer that the Acre Revolution was fundamental for the lands, which were included in the old Bolivian maps as “tierras nom descubiertas”, to be annexed to Brazil. This armed struggle involving Brazilians and Bolivians, generated a considerable increase in national wealth, as well as originating a mixed society of different people, with very peculiar culture, beliefs, myths and traditions, resulting from the miscegenation of those who lived here, with those who came here, for example, the northeasterners who came to the region to extract the latex from the rubber tree.


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How to Cite

UGALDE, M. C., Roweder, C. ., & Sampaio de Farias, C. (2021). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ACREAN REVOLUTION IN THE FORMATION PROCESS OF THE STATE OF ACRE. UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 3(1), 19.