



Training; Identity; Geography; Field education; Teaching work.


This article is part of a conceptual construction, which sought to be based on discussions about teaching work in the field: interfaces between training and identity of geography teachers. It objectives to analyze the formation and construction of the professional identity of teachers in the field, relying on theoretical references of characterization of professional models and how this relates to the construction of the teacher's identity. This work was based on the analysis and deepening of theoretical references, as well as on the questions, which are part of the study of this research on field education. Thus, the discussions presented are the result of an initial theoretical approach, aiming to list theoretical elements about the characteristics that make up the identity of the geography teacher, with concrete bases for this formation.


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How to Cite

Cunha, juliana S. de S. ., & Silva, S. S. da . (2020). TEACHING WORK IN THE FIELD: : INTERFACES BETWEEN TRAINING AND IDENTITY OF GEOGRAPHY TEACHERS. UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 2(2), 18. https://doi.org/10.47418/uaquiri.vol2.n2.2020.4382