Cultural-identity ties and unties in the corners of Aquiri

“the land of the brave” – in the lyrics of the song Rimadeira


  • Saide Feitosa da Silva Universidade Federal do Acre


Palabras clave:

Keywords: Culture; Identity; History; Acre


Abstract: This article aims to study one of the traits of the culture and identity of the Acre people, concerning the man of the forest, known as rubber tappers from the lyrics of the song Rimadeira by Álamo Kário. Through the speeches present in the lyrics, we can analyze some ideologies that can refract one of the facets of culture, identity, as well as some landscape elements that have become reference points of the Acre culture and that can serve as subsidies for the understanding of one of the historiographical traces of a people who fought against Bolivians for this part of the Amazon soil and who are still striving to have their place recognized in the history of settlement, construction and development of the state that fought to become Brazilian.


Biografía del autor/a

Saide Feitosa da Silva, Universidade Federal do Acre

Adjunct Professor at the Center for Education, Letters and Arts (CELA) in Federal University of Acre (UFAC). PhD in Applied Linguistics in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


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Cómo citar

Feitosa da Silva, S. (2023). Cultural-identity ties and unties in the corners of Aquiri : “the land of the brave” – in the lyrics of the song Rimadeira. Revista Geadel, 4(01), 108–128.