
  • Alan Henrique Oliveira Almeida Secretaria Estadual de Educação




Digital and literary literacy;; Portuguese Language Teaching.


It is up to the current school to reinvent itself to form learners capable of producing and receiving texts belonging to the digital environment. Thus, the present work seeks to analyze a proposal for pedagogical intervention based on the development of linguistic and discursive skills, which promote the so-called literary and digital literacies, defended respectively by Cosson (2014) and Soares (2002). This teaching proposal is the result of the work carried out in the postgraduate course of the Professional Master's Degree in Letters (PROFLETRAS/UFAC), materialized through the didactic manual "Entre contos, encontros e encantos" (ALMEIDA, 2017), which, in turn, is based on the theoretical precepts of Dolz and Schneuwly (2013). The object of analysis is limited to observing the activities and procedures adopted for the formation of readers and writers, developing the capacity for autonomous reading, the ability to write texts of one's own authorship, using resources to rewrite and improve them and the competence of reflection and analysis of the uses of language resources.

Author Biography

Alan Henrique Oliveira Almeida , Secretaria Estadual de Educação

Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Acre. Licenciado em Letras/Português e respectivas Literaturas e em Letras/Espanhol pela Universidade Federal do Acre. Professor da rede pública de Educação Básica, ministrando as disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa, Redação e Literatura


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How to Cite

Henrique Oliveira Almeida , A. . (2023). ENTRE CONTOS, ENCONTROS E ENCANTOS: LINKS PARA O ENSINO VIRTUAL DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA. Academic Journal Geadel, 4(01), 14–35. https://doi.org/10.29327/269116.4.1-3