Representation of the deaf subject in the short story The deaf priest, by mozambican writer Mia Couto


  • Welinton Silva de OLIVEIRA Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Simone de Souza LIMA Universidade Federal do Acre



Mozambican literature, Deaf culture and education, Imaginary


This paper arises from the proposal of activity of the Tutorial Education Program, at the Federal University of Acre, and has as its research object the deaf identities and how these subjects are represented in literary productions, in this case the Mozambican literature of Mia Couto. This writer does not use sign language in his stories, but brings up themes related to the deaf subject and the racism rooted in African society, which is conservative and has difficulty living with diversity. To this end, we will present a brief historical overview with information about education and deaf culture, based on the texts of Capovilla (2000) and Skliar (1998). This is a bibliographic study. We will produce a brief literary analysis of the short story The Deaf Priest, part of the book Blessed Stories.  We will show how orality is a strong element in African literature and imaginary contrasting with the social reality of a deaf person.


CAPOVILLA, F. C. Filosofias Educacionais em relação ao surdo: do Oralismo à Comunicação Total ao Bilinguismo. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 1, p. 99-116, 2000.

COUTO, Mia. O Padre Surdo. In: Estórias Abensonhadas. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2014. p.77-81.

COUTO, Mia. Encontro e Encantos – Guimarães Rosa. In: E se Obama fosse africano? E outras interinvenções. São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2011. p. 58-64.

GANCHO, Cândida Vilares. Como analisar narrativas. 7. ed. São Paulo: Ática, 2006.

GESSER, Audrei. Libras? Que língua é essa? Crenças e preconceitos em torno da língua de sinais e da realidade surda. São Paulo: Parábola, 2009.

PERLIN, Gladis T. T. Identidades Surdas. In: SKLIAR, Carlos (Org.). A Surdez: um olhar sobre as diferenças. Porto Alegre: Mediação, 1998, p.51-73.

PETROV, Petar. O projecto literário de Mia Couto. Lisboa: CLEPUL, 2014.



How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, W. S. de, & LIMA, S. de S. . (2021). Representation of the deaf subject in the short story The deaf priest, by mozambican writer Mia Couto. Academic Journal Geadel, 2(03), 30–38.