


Federal University of Acre, Covid-19 and Evasion.


The present work aims to analyze the inequality of access and permanence in undergraduate courses at the Federal University of Acre, during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as a contextualization of how higher education arrived in Brazil and later in the state of Acre. The research also investigates the democratization process from the 1988 Constitution, which made possible the inclusion mechanism for the entry of people with low purchasing power. As a methodological procedure, we used bibliographical research from reliable Google Scholar sites. In addition, we will use the Electronic Information System (SIE) of the Higher Education Institution as a data collection tool, from which it was possible to extract information about the academic life of the students. Having as a method, the Historical and Dialectical Materialism. It was concluded that despite the permanence incentives offered to students, a decrease in the number of enrollments in subjects offered was observed, above fifty percent in the Licentiate and Bachelor of Geography courses.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. R., & Almeida, L. F. de . (2024). ANALYSIS OF HIGHER EDUCATION BASED ON PUBLIC POLICIES, IN PANDEMIC TIMESTHE . UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 5(2).