
  • Alexsande de Oliveira Franco Professor Doutor da Universidade Federal do Acre, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, , 2Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia,



Amazônia, Agricultura, Modernidade, Sustentabilidade


Agriculture has always played an important role in human survival since the Neolithic period. At first, it was a localized, simple and purely subsistence practice; Over time agriculture intensifies the transformation of the agrarian space, through the diffusion of increasingly improved techniques. This process of constant transformation triggered the technical and scientific advance of the agrarian space, with greater increase in production and quality, as inhospitable areas were being incorporated into the production process. Agriculture was introduced into the industrial economy by providing raw materials and food and consuming machinery, pesticides and other industrial products. However, following the agro-industrial dynamics, follows a series of social, economic, political, cultural, and especially environmental problems for the rural populations. This is due to the fact of the exclusion and expropriation of land throughout Brazil, but peculiarly in the Amazon, where this fact was felt most strongly due to the implementation of the Amazon operation and the expansion of the agricultural frontier developed by the military government in the 1970s. In this context of crisis and problems of all kinds, sustainable ideals emerge and in this conception the concept of sustainable agriculture is highlighted, presenting strategies and possibilities for overcoming problems in relation to the agrarian space. 


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