Filologia, Lexicografia, Dicionário, VocabulárioAbstract
Understanding lexicon is a task that provides philologists with knowledge not only from texts and documents but also from social and cultural complexities around them, which reveal details about society, individuals and communicational spheres involved in communicative acts. It is from that standpoint that we discuss in this paper the lexicographical parameters observed in the Vocabulário Portuguez & Latino by Bluteau (1712-1721) and in two lexicographical works from the 21st century, the Dicionário Escolar da Língua Portuguesa (ABL, 2008) and the Dicionário Aulete Digital (2020), in order to analyze the lexicographical tradition in this two centuries and comprehend how macro and microstructure are displayed. As our basis, we have adopted the theoretical support from Barbosa (2001), Pontes (2009), Boutin-Quesnel et al. (1985), Biderman (1998), Queiroz (2012) and Ximenes (2013) in order to problematize the production of these works philologically as a collection that puts its readers in contact with the history of language, revealing lexicographical patterns in Portuguese language in the 18th and 21st centuries. Therefore, lexicographical productions are a great support to understand texts, whatever epoch they are from. However, we must regard these works as a socio-historical-cultural clipping from a specific language context.
Keywords: Philology. Lexicography. Dictionary. Vocabulary.
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