Digital learning networks and complexity in online English language teaching and learning


  • Solange Lopes Vinagre COSTA PUC-SP


Ensino-aprendizagem de inglês; redes digitais de aprendizagem; complexidade.


This paper aims at presenting an interpretation, grounded on the concepts of digital learning networks (CASTELLS, 2003; GOMEZ, 2004; HARASIM et al., 2005; KADUSHIN, 2012) and complexity (MORIN, 2015), of the interactions established among English language students in an online workshop that took place on Google Classroom as a complement to face-to-face classes. This interpretation was carried out by means of quantitative analysis by observing graphs that represent the flow of posts made by students and teacher in the discussion forum, as well as by means of qualitative interpretations of post scripts. The study tried to understand aspects of such interaction that could contribute to improving the development of virtual activities, aiming at promoting English language teaching and learning experiences that may be more significant to students and that promote their more active participation in the teaching and learning process.

Author Biography

Solange Lopes Vinagre COSTA, PUC-SP

Mestre em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil(2018). Monitora de Educação Profissional do Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial - SP, Brasil. Doutoranda em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Bolsista CAPES


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How to Cite

COSTA, S. L. V. . (2020). REDES DIGITAIS DE APRENDIZAGEM E COMPLEXIDADE NO ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM ON-LINE DE INGLÊS: Digital learning networks and complexity in online English language teaching and learning. Academic Journal Geadel, 1(1), 58–71. Retrieved from