Media, Literature and Racism in the spaces in dispute


  • Ricardo Silva Ramos de Souza Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora




Ferreira Gullar, Cuti, Brazilian literature, Racism


This article analyzes the clash of ideas in texts by the writers Ferreira Gullar, “Cultural Prejudice”, and Cuti, “A empafia de Gullar”, about Brazilian literature and the production of black authors. The approach focuses, from the different perceptions about literature and racism in Brazilian society of these two intellectuals, on the analysis of the media in which these texts were published and the public reception according to Patrick Charaudeau, on the analysis of the discourse according to Mikahil Bakthin , and how racism works transversally in ethnic-racial relations, identity and Brazilian memory, according to Kabengele Munanga and Stuart Hall, and how black bodies erase official discourses. Finally, the article intends to stimulate reflection on how hegemonic discourses seek to maintain their privileges while, on the other hand, subaltern groups seek ways to show the differences and pluralism of Brazilian society.

Author Biography

Ricardo Silva Ramos de Souza, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

PhD student in Letters: Literary Studies at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), under the guidance of Dr. Enilce do Carmo Albergaria Rocha. Master in Ethnic-Racial Relations at the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca - CEFET/RJ. Graduated in Literature from Estácio de Sá University (UNESA). Editorial coordinator of Kitabu Livraria Negra e Editora (RJ) and contributor to Ciclo Contínuo Editorial (SP). With José Henrique de Freitas Santos, he organized the book Afro-rhizomas in the black diaspora: African literature at the Brazilian crossroads (Kitabu Editora, 2013). He was professor and advisor of the extension course UNIAFRO: promotion of racial equality in school (Nucleus of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies / NEABI-Federal University of Ouro Preto / UFOP). He has organized anthologies of Cape Verdean and Mozambican poetry. He works with research and has publications in the areas of ethnic-racial relations, African Portuguese-speaking literature, black-Brazilian literature, black-diasporic literature. It has prefaces, afterwords, texts on the cover of literature books from Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique. He uses the pseudonym Ricardo Riso.


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How to Cite

Silva Ramos de Souza, R. (2023). FERREIRA GULLAR AND CUTI: Media, Literature and Racism in the spaces in dispute. Academic Journal Geadel, 4(01), 46–61. https://doi.org/10.29327/269116.4.1-5