

Science, Biotechnology, Regional development, State of Acre, Sustainability


Science and biotechnology play fundamental roles in local development, especially in regions like the Amazon, where natural resources are abundant and offer opportunities for innovation and technological advancement. However, in the State of Acre, these areas face significant challenges, including the scarcity of qualified workforce and adequate infrastructure. Furthermore, the protection of genetic heritage, regulated by Law No. 13,123, plays a crucial role in the sustainable development of the region, ensuring the preservation of biodiversity and responsible use of natural resources. This article aims to analyze the conditions, policies, and support structure for science and biotechnology in the State of Acre, exploring their connections with the local productive system and proposing future directions for scientific research in the region. To achieve this goal, an exploratory approach is adopted, combining quantitative and qualitative methods such as questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to investigate science and biotechnology policies in the state, involving key institutions. The research results highlight the importance of key institutions such as UFAC, IFAC, and Embrapa for scientific progress in Acre. However, resource cuts emerge as a significant obstacle, severely compromising scientific and technological development in the region. In this context, it becomes crucial to implement policies to reverse funding shortages and talent drain, aiming to boost research and innovation. As a suggestion for future research, a more in-depth assessment of the impact of research and development incentive policies in the Amazon region, especially in the State of Acre, is proposed.


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How to Cite

de Freitas, C. G., Castro, H. C., Soliani, R. D., Sibajev, A., & Pereira, R. dos S. (2025). SCIENCE, BIOTECHNOLOGY, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN WESTERN AMAZON: A CASE STUDY IN THE STATE OF ACRE: UM ESTUDO DE CASO NO ESTADO DO ACRE. UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 6(2). Retrieved from