



Amazônia; Geografia; Literatura; Educação


The place is related to a space for the construction of affection, shaped by a set of experiences lived by the subject in certain historical, social and political circumstances, which almost imperceptibly end up influencing their development as a person, an active citizen of the space in which they live. is, therefore, able to modify it and be modified by it. Thus, the objective was to propose a mini-course on the geography of the rubber plantation with the main materials of regional literary works that can contribute to the recovery of the feeling of belonging. To this end, the qualitative and descriptive approach was adopted and the case study was adopted, based on a literature review, from which the basis for the development of the practical part of the project was sought, discussing the theme based on theoretical references published in books, magazines, periodicals and many other supports. Finally, this research should allow the participant the competence to identify with the place in question, its importance for the country's history and the disputes that it still instigates within the scope of national and international politics, conceptualizing and recognizing places of which it is part, as well as valuing the culture coming from the Amazonian environment, from which the necessary awareness will develop to realize its importance.


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How to Cite

Soares, F. da R., & Cleilton Sampaio de Farias. (2020). FALLEN LAND: REGIONAL LITERATURE AS A RESCUE OF THE FEELING OF “PLACE”. UÁQUIRI - Revista Do Programa De Pós Graduação Em Geografia Da Universidade Federal Do Acre, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.47418/uaquiri.v2i1.3393