Palavras-chave: Crise sanitária; Estratégias metodológicas; Tecnologias digitais.Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic brought great impacts to the education system in Brazil and the world, in an attempt to contain transmission among children, young people and their families, health authorities imposed isolation measures, the campaign "stay at home" was launched, thus suspending face-to-face classes throughout Brazil. In-person classes gave way to emergency remote teaching mediated by Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC). In order to analyze the use of TDIC in the emergency remote teaching period, we seek to investigate through the integrative systematic review which are the main methodological strategies used by teachers during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic and the possible difficulties faced by them during this period. In view of the results found, there were few works related to the strategies used by teachers in this period, we can observe the predominance of studies related to the impacts and difficulties encountered by teachers and students during emergency remote teaching, we can also highlight the lack of training of teachers for the use of technologies, the increase in working time, the weakening of the emotional health of professors and students, the inequalities of access to digital technologies and the little support from the public authorities. In this way, the pandemic showed the need to educate the school community as a whole and the need to digitally include a large part of society.
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